Vincentt: what on earth are you going on about?
leave the train wrecks, the nuclear testing and all other hyperboles out of this, and you'd give an impression a little more realistic.
For one, she did do something illegal, she lied to the police with the phonecall.
(at least, it's illegal around here)
For two, even if she didn't do anything wrong according to the letter of the law, she let the search go on, thereby wasting an enormous amount of money.
in my book, she has committed a misdemeanor at the very least. But I wouldn't compare it to murder, true...
As for the woman herself: apparently, she needs to develop a sense of maturity, responsibility and moreover, ask herself if she really loves the guy. Cuz she didn't bother to at least tell him even 1 thing about her doubts...
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