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Old 05-02-2005, 12:41 AM   #148 (permalink)
Fact#1 Iron with sufficent surface area, in a flow of concentrated oxygen can burn with enough initial energy, ie: oxy-acetelyene torch or magnesium strip. This is the basis behind the thermal lance which is an iron/steel pipe often stuffed with wire, connected on one end to an oxygen tank and it is one of the strongest gas torches reaching 4000*C. These are often used in safecracking because they can cut through very thick metal.

Fact#2 Coconut milk is sterile and can be used intraveniously in place of a water sugar solution.

Fact#3 Very small particles of gold (in the 20 nm range) mixed into water can appear crimson or violet in color.

Fact#4 Flourine gas is so reactive that it can't be stored in glass, infact hydroflouric acid is used to etch glass.

Fact#5 Almost all energy on earth has come from our sun or meteor impacts, even or oil and coal got its energy from the sun when it was once a plant or animal. So thats why everyone should use some form of solar power, it only makes sense.

Fact#6 Glass is not a liquid like many people claim, it is an anamorphous solid. And those windows with the elongatted tear drop cross section comes from the way that glass panels were manufactured at the time, placed with the heavy side down so that they would be less unstable. Infact some have been found upside down.

Fact#7 The great rift valley in Africa will likely seperate from africa in millions of years though.

Fact#8 With the right pressure and other factors hydrogen can actually reach a metallic state, this is occuring in the center of Jupiter right now.

Fact# 9 Lots of food products are made from the scraps that didn't meet specifications for another product. Tater Tots are made from the sub-par french fries which are then ground up. Fish sticks are made from the little bits of crummy meat left over from the cutting of the fish. Baby carrots are often made out of substandard carrots using a lathe like machine.

Fact#10 Most hydrocarbon gases have no odor, the gas plants, distributors or utility companies add an odor so that leaks can be detected.

Fact#11 All gasoline is mostly the same, it all comes from the same network of pumping lines, the only difference is in the additives that the individual company adds at the pumping station for the big tankers.

Please tell me if any of these are incorrect and I will remember to stop spreading the lies.
qualhiveldorf is offline  

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