This is going to be one of those posts where I need to vent my true feelings, so watch out.
My parents are some of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, few people have ever matched up to them. Despite our wide assortment of religious beliefs (Dad catholic, mother congregational, sister a unitarian and myself semi-christian/non-religious)we still get along quite well most of the time.
My father will always try to help me out with anything, whether with cars, college or computers. Most of the time I will decline, sadly enough I have a much harder time showing my emotions than my father does and I have a stubborn belief that I can do everything myself. This probably extends from my anti-social childhood, but occasionally I will be reminded to accept my family's assistance (like this thread). In the end We really do love each other, its just that, I think, both of us are too scared to share our beliefs, which always has been a major hurdle in our relationship.
I have gotten along with my mother most of the time and we've shared great stories time and time again. Sometimes she won't be able to remember something that I told her the day before but I can quickly get over that. She's the type of person that will try to help you succeed. If you're looking for a new job, she'll look through the flyers and try to find you one. If you're going on a trip, she'll try to make sure you have everything and maybe help fund it. Truely a caring person. A lot of the time I feel that I don't do nearly enough for my parents in return.
Then there's my sister. She's just like me in the sense that she's very shy about her private life and believes that she can do everything herself. Sometimes we'll share an occasional laugh, but a lot of the time is spent by arguing. She being a materialist and I being mostly an intellectualist/spiritualist, the two cultures really do not mix. Most of the time she's out of the house socializing with her friends, while I'm online, working or reading a book. I guess I'm jealous in some sense that she has more friends than I do. However, she also has some of the worst manners in the family which has always ticked me off ever since she was little (chewing with her mouth open, not picking up after herself, etc). Sometimes I think the world revolves around her. Same could be said of me too though.
As for my extended family, it varies. I definitely get along more with my mother's side of the family than my father's, they are happier, caring and tend to have little cousins that will eat your brains out. Seriously, everytime I would visit my uncle's home, about 5 kids will run over to me saying my name and jump all over me. "Nick, let's play with this trainset," or "Nick, build this robot with me," or "Nick, lets play PS2," etc. I love them all dearly as I can see a part of me in all of them. My mother's oldest brother I can relate to, but we mostly talk about how are lives are going. Sometimes we'll play sports like darts although I was never that big into sports. My aunt I love as well, mainly for the food they always offer me.
Ok, this getting too long and it's already more like a post in a journal. I can't help myself. Must finish.
My father's side I have mixed feelings for. Some parts of the family are a little dysfunctional, some parts not. My father's sister long ago got into a huge argument with my paternal grandmother (now deceased) and she was blacklisted from the family. Other than that there are some minor things. My paternal grandfather is a very kind and extremely loving individual, however his beliefs are a little on the strange side and has recently moved in with another household and considers them a part of the family. I'm not sure whether I'm happy or sad...
My father's brother I can totally relate to, but the rest of his family I can't really get along with. My relationship with my aunt is almost non-existant, and her two daughters I don't get along with too well especially the youngest who, like my sister, is bossy and materialistic and thinks she controls everything, much like her mother. Sometimes she'll have a nice side though.
Ok that's enough for tonight. I'm a really loving person but I don't show my feelings very often, but when they do you get a post like this.