Originally Posted by shakran
Furthermore, back to the original question as to whether the handcuffing was necessary - the kid was sitting down and not going nuts when the cops got there. Why did they handcuff her? There was absolutely no reason for it.
So you're going to have the police "give her a talking to," after the last occurence when she had been warned that the handcuffing would have been the outcome? Why shouldn't she have been handcuffed? It's obvious from the points that you raise that she isn't going to police herself, her mother certianly hasn't been doing, and has apparently forbidden the teachers from doing it.
You're advocating that the police should have backed down and reinforced to this girl yet again that she can be a holy terror and whatever else she wants and get away with it because the worst that is going to happen to her is that people are going to give her a few idle threats.
Removing her age as a factor, since I'm relatively sure that we can all agree that this child knew precisely what she was doing and continued to do so with intent, if I were told that a particular behavior was going to land me in cuffs I'd be inclined to listen, then if I did it again most people would call me an idiot for ignoring the fact that I had been warned, this situation is not much different.