Originally Posted by Yakk
Dancr, you are attempting to define the middle away. I don't see the usefulness of this.
The reason why it is VERY important to define a middle way is simply this:
"People" are involved in the discussion.
The whole point of the thread is to help PEOPLE to see that there are shades of grey in the philisopical debate over the existance of god. I actually met a person who was "fanatically ambiguous" about their beleif in God. (say what?) If you had met him HE would have told YOU what he does or does not beleive, rather than have YOU classify his beleifs.
There is a middle way, there always has been a middle way and there are those who simply would not agree with the statements you have made.
How about I tell you what "I" beleive.
I'll gladly listen to you too!