The problem is that there are no reliable witnesses to God existence, at least in modern times. Had he been here and left the matter would be different. (like the watch)
Many Christians would say that God did come here and left through Jesus. Thus the whole religion-not-dying thing.
Christianity had done a fair bit of adapting in just the last 400 years. Christains had to concede that the world is not flat, the world revolves around the sun and not the other way round and that we have indeed evolved from the same lineage of ancestors as the mordern orangutan
Yes and no. Your statement about being related to orangutans may have been conceeded by the Catholic church, but certainly not by Christianity in general. The whole idea of creation science and Christian scientist's use of logic and mathematics to show/argue the existence of God is because they reject the bias of methodological naturalism in science (ie. the idea that only what we can directly observe is the cause of other things we can directly observe) Theories brought by science to explain natural origins of the universe are still riddled with holes, even after all the years of trying to refine them.
Faith of any kind is just that... faith. It does not take faith to wonder where the evidence is! It does not take faith to ask hard questions of those who puport to know the answer to the mystery of God's existence.
Absolutely correct. A direct view of God would destroy the need for faith, and thus we do not have it. However, people who ask for evidence of God (scientists, atheists, etc.) should not complain when people provide evidence in a language that they can understand. (creation science, philosophical and logical arguments, etc.)