Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
does anyone know how to shrink file size?
since you're doing this in illustrator, there's a very handy "save for web" command in the "file" menu. from there, you'll have options to save as .gif and you can control the # of colors. there's also an image size tab under these options and you can set those dimensions to whatever you want, click "apply" and see how it affects the file size in the bottom left.
i'd love to see that last one larger.
edit: i just noticed that you have a gradient in the background. gif is the way to go with solid blocks of color like you have in the lady, but with gradients, it can go either way. try it as a jpg and try it as a gif, messing with the quality (jpg) and number of colors (gif) to see which gets the best quality/file size combo.