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Old 04-30-2005, 07:51 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Location: Central PA
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Here's the thing: emotional issues in relationships often show up first in the bedroom. And then, people often think that the the sex issue is the problem. If you look at this forum, it's full of people asking for sex advice, and when the scratch just below the surface, there are emotional issues, trust issues, communication issues, etc that are really what's going on. Infidelity doesn't just happen. It's an expression of stuff that's already happening in the relationship.

Is sex the most important thing? Of course not. But it's often a red flag for what's really going on.
i would have to argee with this, i have one thing to add from my perspective...

my sex life isnt the greatest in the world but i have 2 wonderful kids out of what i have so that makes my sex life a lil lower on the totem pole then it was 2 years ago, also i have noticed that when my wife and i's schedule was opposite of each other i didnt wasnt shown that i am loved which i realized is more important then sex...dont get me wrong i love sex and i would love to have it a couple times a day but if i go without it for months i wont die/cheat cause of it, as long as my wife is here and doesnt ignore that i need some kind of appreshetion(sp?)/love.
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