I thought for sure I'd replied to this one already. Well I never got to read many comics as a kid because my parents would never have spent money on that for me so they only times I ever could were when I was at Walmart and they happened to have a rack full of them (Which I don't see anymore by the way

) and I'd stop and read for a little while before my mom would tell me it's time to leave....never getting time to absorb them...or even remember what they were about either....I'd show em to her but she'd always say something along the lines of "Tommorow is another day." or "When we get paid." but I never got them...I actually used to hide them sometimes till she'd actually buy them for me but...never happened.
The comic book character that stuck out to me right away more than any other was Morbius. The way he was drawn, his history, everything. He was soooo fuckin rad! Hulk stuck out too and characters like "Strong Guy" because I was a wimpy little kid who got the shit kicked out of him all the time and I'd dream I had huge muscles but I didn't like them as much as Morbius. He wasn't drawn too spectacular at first but then later on as he evolved and started getting his own comics as opposed to appearances in Spider Man his design got more intricate and really started to look cool as shit.

In my opinion he's pretty underrated. I mean I can't recall him ever getting a big budget movie made after him, closest I've seen to him is a vampire named Radu in a chain of movies called "Subspecies" that looks just like him..almost like they ripped him off.
Morbius isn't even in the bio section at Marvel.com anymore.