I just got back from a Saturday afternoon showing, and I was the only person in the theatre. It was like a private screening...it was awesome.
I shouldn't be surprised that I was the only one there. I live in Greenville, SC, smack dab in the heart of the bible belt, among the most closed minded people in the world, so it's no wonder that they wouldn't give a movie like this a chance.
Well, it's their loss, this was a great movie. It was funny as hell, and even though I wouldn't call the humor intelligent, the comedic timing was excellent. The action sequences were wicked and even though the CG was a little cheesy at times, I hardly noticed it because it was so enjoyable to watch. This movie literally has everything, moments of drama, comedy, over the top action, and some sweet romantic scenes.
It certainly won't win an oscar, unless they create a category for "Best time at the theatre". I highly recommend it to anyone, as long as you have an open mind.
"Jenny, tell me, do you still walk, do you still get into sandwiches in a big way?" - Flight of the Conchords