Optimization search code
I am working on am senior design project and i am having a large problem with my search. My microcontroller takes and input then compares it to a past value and then makes a dession about what to do bease on the past input. seems simple enough... no way... due to round off errors the program is always getting false input. My ? is can someone help me to write a search program that could attempt to find a unkown value in a almost unordered string... something like finding 2 when the numbers are 1 1 3 2 4 3 5 5 4 6 7 8 8 7 9
something like that... i mean not exactly like that... but that is kind of what i am dealing with. if you need anymore info let me know.... thanks in advance
No, they arnt breasts, they are personalities, because its ok to like a girl for her personalities.