Originally Posted by Supple Cow
I feel it more than "at times," but I suppose since you don't feel too oppressed by it, it can't be THAT bad. In any case, it never hurts to talk about it openly this way. Thanks for starting this thread, abaya.
fair enough...but i guess i think about it in comparision. between here and the average conversation on the street...and i feel safer being out here. not to mention that what is supposed to be queer community is often homonormative...
the thing that i have noticed most in recent past is a really strange and possibly damaging discourse around female bisexuality, that assumes that women somehow "naturally" make out with eachother at the drop of a hat, and that there's got to be some secret for a straight man to get in on this action. it's trivalizing and really sort of gauche....but this i suppose is the blessing of being a man here: my sexuality is almost never portrayed as being that of object, but rather actor. i can like a man or a woman...as long as i'm playing/performing "masculinity."