Originally Posted by inhalo
26th Question.
Plain and simple. What makes you most proud to be a Canadian?
That's a good question. Even though it is hard for me to express my proudness in word form, the best example is when I am in other countries and am asked where I come from. I inherently feel proud of my country and proud to be apart of my country as a whole.
I think it is the different cultures and ethnicities that make up Canada. Sounds strange but whenever every culture in the world can live in a space and all get along, I feel there is alot of worth in that.
Of course there are things I'm not proud of in my country, but that is mainly political and/or bureaucratical. And that's minor lack of proudness.
One area I am not proud of, and no offence to anyone, is the rampant pro Canadianisms attached to sporting events. Someone winning a medal in the Olympics or a hockey team winning a world championship means nothing to me. Great individual or team efforts to win and good for them, they deserve it. But I get really tired of people accusing me of not being patriotic or proud of my country because I couldn't give a rat's ass about sporting events. Wanna make me a proud Canadian. Fucking get off your asses and VOTE. That's it.