Originally Posted by MikeSty
Uhhh... I had a similar problem a long time ago.
This might sound odd, but how many connections are there from the modem/router into that computer?
The person who set my network up ran a cable from the modem into my machine (USB), and then an ethernet (to USB adapter). I have no idea why. At the time I had no knowledge of networks. Odd as he works for the airforce as a tech, and i'm still not even A+ :O
Well my bro hooked it all up and there is only the one computer at the moment hooked up but I will talk to him when he gets home!
Originally Posted by liquidlight
I've your on Comcast, Roadrunner, or Cox they've been having systemic issues for almost a month now that cause pretty much exactly the problems that you're describing. I'd guess that they're upgrading something that's causing rolling outages, but they're not telling end users.
Good luck! Go get DSL  cable sucks.
Well im with Cogeco (a company of Rogers Canada) So we get are TV cable and internet cable for a good price. I don't know who handles DSL in this area!