Originally Posted by liquidlight
And shakran, your solution still doesn't provide a method quantifying which of these students should be shipped to the "last chance" schools where they are in more than effect simply babysat or flunked out. Are you suggesting that any kid that talks in class be automatically shipped out to these schools that have a very limited available enrollment and then just forget about it?
I'm sorry. I had thought it obvious that there's a marked difference in behavior between a kid who talks in class and a kid who tears up the room and tries to hit the teacher.
The kids that get sent to last chance are the kids that do not respond to the disciplinary methods in the regular school. If the kid talks in class, you tell him to stop. If that doesn't work, you punish him somehow. You continue to escallate the punishment until the point is reached that you can't escallate it any further. And then, yes, if the talking is that disruptive and he won't stop no matter what you do to him, he's shipped out.
Either give the school the power to discipline for real (grabbing kids who are fighting would be a good start, court supported community service rather than suspensions/detentions would be a great way to go) or understand that, since parents as a group have sued the schools out of that ability, the schools will have to ship problems elsewhere.