Sistered beams:
Take say two 2x10's. Place them end to end. Now overlap/stack the two ends by say 10" to 1'. Now they are sistered. Nail or screw them like that with wood glue, and they will act like a single beam in many instances.
Your floor joists are made like this.
thanks for the time to clarify. one more thing to clarify on my end, if you have the time. so the sistered beams are merely end to end with some overlap...like...
--------------------------_______________________ with a bit of overlap right?
and not stacked like this:
and glued down or nailed or screwed or bolted or however you want?
and arch, you mentioned that you're an architect. not meaning to thread jack, but a small project of mine this summer would be to throw away the lil pre-fab tool shed in the backyard, it's really weathered bad, and replace it. parents wanted to know if they should buy a new one and i said, for that money, i could lay a 2 inch concrete perimeter and build actual walls so it would seal out all the pests, ie rodents, snakes, and whatever lives on the side of the hill. any pointers before i get started and have to tear it down? thanks again.
i have a friend locally that is an architect as well, but he only does commercial buildings. i was gonna ask if he could draw me up something in cad so i can see what i should build. but don't know, i might just wing it.