Ok semantically it was negative STIMULUS not reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is one TYPE of negative stimulus. BOTH are educational tools. Also if it was withholding stimulus then you could counter that she was withheld from continuing her current behavior by the handcuffs.
As for wrapping herself around the child. In order to restrain an autistic girl in a day care that I once worked the parents had to sign a release form allowing the teachers to hold her. There have been cases of teachers being sued for simply holding a child and restraining them thus.
Judging from the mother's reaction to such restraining measures as were taken she likely would have sued the school for leaving the child unattended or allowing her to fall off of a table. If removing all attention from her is what will work then what is the mother making a big deal out of it and suing the school for? That's only gonna prolong the attention she receives from it all. Her mother is acting inappropriately for suing the school for this.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.