I can only interprete this as a pandemic loss of scale, of perspective. This is a five year old child having a tantrum. Suing for millions of dollars in this case is as inappropriate as using handcuffs on a small child is.
When I read the responses in this thread, again and again I feel myself I must check... we are talking about a five year old child . I am reading people saying "she started it" or "she hit the teacher, she had it coming", and... we are talking about a 5 year old.
Anyone who believes that it is an appropriate use of police resource to send three officers to deal with an upset 5 year old who has broken an ornament and had a tantrum has a perception which I can reconcile my own too. Anyone who makes arguments about cause and effect, about consequences and actions... and we are talking about a 5 year old girl... I simply have no conception of where you can be coming from.
Clearly the lawsuit is opportunisim... the police officers responsible should be dismissed immediately, the school should apologise to the parents and child, and we should just get on with things. Do we really want to live in a world of SWAT teams being called into kindergarten classes? It is like a nightmare come to life.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas