Originally Posted by abaya
I'm wondering, is this at all related to packing? Or do only women do that? I'd never heard of packing until I saw it at Good Vibes. Can someone enlighten me as to who packs and why? Is it for those who are just trying out what it feels like to have a dick? And what happens with sex?? I know nothing about this stuff, but to me packing and stuffing are somewhat related... trying to make something up that isn't there.
There was a teenage sex as the theme movie out a few years ago called
Losin' It (Tom Cruise has come a long way since this movie) The movie was basically about the quest of 4 high school boys going to Mexico to lose their virginity. One of the characters used to stuff the front of his pants with a tube sock to make him look more endowed. He was basically a geek but thought he was cool and the stuffing gave him confidence he didn't other wise have on his own.
So basically, I think the reasons why men and women would stuff wold be the same... to give them that added boost of confidence?