Originally Posted by analog
Media of all forms cause all different kinds of reactions to children.
I would submit that it is IMPOSSIBLE to monitor your kid's cultural intake 24/7/365 x oh, say, 16 years or so. Further, how does one quantify exactly how long it takes for a kid to form a permanent impression? 30 seconds? 5 minutes? 8.5 minutes? 37.25 minutes? We're talking about young children with blank slates for minds - children who at this stage of life simply are not psychologically sophisticated enough to distinguish between fantasy and reality.
What reinforces these notions for me is witnessing the behavior of children after they've watched something constructive and positive. They will surprise you with an intelligent question seemingly beyond their years, or draw a picture filled with extreme detail, or have a remarkably enlightened conversation with one of their peers.
Someone here once made the metaphor along the lines of 'swimming in a cultural pool', or otherwise total and complete psychological immersion. The more I think about it the more I agree. It seems illogical for one to be able to make decisions in a vacuum.
To quote Bill Hicks, "If you're in marketing or advertising, kill yourself."
There definitely needs to be a major re-think on the part of industries responsible for creating the intellectual/cultural landscape inhabited by the foundation of any society: Children.