I love my family, and we get along really well for the most part.
My little brother's a bit of an ass, but he and I get along when we're both in a good mood, which is more often now that I'm not home as much and he's in highschool.
My mum and I get along very well. We go shopping, watch movies, talk, tell stories, comfort... all of those things that mums and daughters are supposedly "supposed" to do. Mind you, we don't always get along, but no one gets along with everyone all the time, right?
My Dad is the best dad ever. At least, I think so

We go see Dave Matthews Band together every time they come to Toronto. I can talk to him about everything from music to work to sex-type-things. He works shifts, so I don't see him as much as I'd like, but when we do get together we can't shut up!
So yah, I like my family, but I love them more.