Originally Posted by mrklixx
I have yet to hear from those blaming the school & the police any kind of constructive alternative that would have a)immediately brought the situation under control, and b) not resulted in anyone being sued.
Their solution didn't
immediately bring it under control - they had to wait for the cops to get there.
And I frankly dont care if someone gets sued. I care about doing what's right.
And I did offer a solution. It would have fixed the problem before it happened. Kick her ass out of school once it becomes obvious she's an uncorrectable behavior problem. And if you can't kick her out, ship her over to the district's "special" school. Most districts have 'em. It's where they stuff the little hellions who won't respond to normal discipline.
If she'd been out of the building permanently, she wouldn't have had the opportunity to do what she did. I call that a better than immediate solution.