Crap such as this routinely comes out of Capitol Hill from both sides. The Dems are just as bad as the Republicans. Both sides are full of self rightous bullshit. One side is as far to the left as the other is to the right. This doesn't change my opinion of either side one iota. I personally agree with the GOP rewrite, one of the few issues as of late I agree with. Anyone who knowingly transports a minor to have an abortion should be criminally prosecuted and there shouldn't be any exceptions. I can't believe the Dems even tried to exempt anyone. I'm in shock they even offered the amendments.
*edit* then to come in here and fuckin' whine about it like the fricken Democrats never done anything like this...... thats bullshit... geeeez get over it.
Last edited by scout; 04-28-2005 at 03:44 PM..