Well... I think that this argument continues to go in circles so I might as well post and add to the mess.
Atheists are not necessarily fanatics.. (although some may be)
some of them have looked to see if there is a god.... but they can't find god... they see no evidence that there is a god... they WANT to find god... they wish god was there... but alas... there is no god... they continue waiting...
To those of you that continue with empty retorical questions, looped logic, and crossed definitions... Help an atheist find god!...... The atheist isn't a fanatic for wanting god to be there... is she a fanatic for waiting to see any smidgen of evidence at all?
Or have you declared a matter of faith to be absolute truth without any tangible evidence?
Living on the edge of sanity
Last edited by RCAlyra2004; 04-28-2005 at 05:22 PM..
Reason: I can't splell verly gooood