Interesting discussion.
I wouldn't say that TV is soley to blame for bad kids, but it sure as hell isn't an environment conducive to the well-being of a child. Cartoons like Ed, Edd and Eddy, RugRats - all that shit on the Cartoon Channel - are to a child's intellectual development what McDonalds is to their nutritional development. Its a nonstop barrage of insults, screaming, teasing, flicking boogers and laughing, cliques portraying the 'cool' kids (heros) vs the 'nerds' (losers), mom and dad as 'fairly odd parents' who are off in LaLa Land somewhere to be mocked or ignored. Even the way the cartoons are drawn is bizarre. In Ed, Edd and Eddy, the lines of the figures are in constant motion, shifting, twitching and shaking, like they're on a caffeine or coke fix. Eyes buggin out and crosseyed.
It is pure anarchy, marketed to 5 year old human beings. One has to wonder what the point of it all is.