I just got back from seeing this (came out today, the 28th, in Australia).. and I have to say, I'm semi-disappointed.. while I did enjoy it, it didn't seem to have the same feeling as the book/radio series (I haven't watched all the TV series yet, so I couldn't say...). They seem to work hard to incorporate some slapstick, and most the creatures (vogons especially) just reminded me of demented muppets. Quite a few "classic" lines weren't in there... and they seemed to glaze over a lot of the stuff to make it fit in a nice friendly movie.
That said.. I'm not sure what I was expecting. Am I just disappointed because it differed from my personal perception of the scenes/people/actions/etc? Probably.. but I think it's more than that. Some of the jokes seem very forced, making you expect a laugh-track right after them...
Semi-small spoilers:
Spoiler: They focus quite a bit on Arthur and Trillian and their love for each other. It get's annoying
So.. overall (IMHO).. it was OK, but not great by any extent.