didn't matter what i watched growing up (unless it was porn), my dad's leather belt set the standard--not the television. first rated "R" movies for me were Terminator 2 and Lethal Weapon 3--when I was in 4th grade. watched 'em without the folks in the basement and my mom rented them for me. to this day, my dad gets complimented on the behavior and success of his children, and my mother does as well. while I do believe environmental inputs do affect our behavior, if certain concrete limits are established in such a way that they do not fade, inputs don't mean squat. There's a day I'll be larger than my father, but I'll never physically challenge him with the intent to actually have one of us come to harm (we still wrestle and bs around as it is). It's because that belt is something i'll always remember.
Originally posted by clavus
To say that I was naked, when I broke in would be a lie. I put on safety glasses.