Originally Posted by balderdash111
I, for one, am quite convinced that a plane hit the pentagon. Not least because I happen to know someone who was driving right by the Pentagon when it hit, and who saw the whole thing.
It's long gone by now, but he sent to me and a bunch of his friends a fairly long, detailed account of what he saw that morning, and I recall him saying that he saw the plane before it hit and thought to himself something like "shit, that plane is flying low...."
Are you also mmiller0617, or friends with him/her? You're "I was there" claim reminded me of a
post by someone with the sn mmiller0617 about how he or she was there on the highway when the projectile, plane, missle, whatever, hit the Pentagon. Of course the story had glaring inacuracies with documented info on the attack, such as thing like debreis on the road (the only debreis on the road were the normal wrappers and newspapers you'll find on Hwy 395). The odds that someone in a community of 50k knows one of the maybe 120 people on that highway at that specific time on that day and that happened to look up when they heard a low flying object are too astronomical to calculate. I'm not dismissing you're claim, but you have to admit that it does beg a lot of trust from people who will probably never meet you in person.
Still going through the NIST stuff, I'll get it to you before the weekend.