A short convo with a friend of mine online (I'm libragrrldotcom in this)
: i kinda have the same opinion. But I also believe in balance. You're here for the greater good. Someone else may be here to show you what the greater good is, by not being here for the greater good.
Libragrrldotcom: like yin and yang, black and white, etc
Libragrrldotcom: good guy/bad guy
: Yeah, contrast.
Libragrrldotcom: sort of like that theory or formula or whatever...
Libragrrldotcom: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Libragrrldotcom: I don't remember who postulated that
: It's one of Newton's laws. And I wouldn't necessarily say equal, but definitely opposite.
I gotta get him to join up here one of these days.