WOOOHOOOO! I can answer the high school question. It's different in every province. In Alberta, you need 100 credits to graduate. Credits vary depending on the length of a class. The average 5 credit course is 6 times a week. In Grade 12 you need 5 30 level courses to graduate. I have Art 30, Biology 30, Math Applied 30, Social Studies 30 and English 30-1. The Math program in Alberta is split into two streams, Pure and Applied. Pure is the difficult math, like calculus? algebra? and Applied math is hands on, life skills math. The English is in two streams as well, -1 and -2. The -1 is the higher end one, you NEED this to pursue post secondary. What I described is what you need to graduate and go onto post secondary. There are lower level courses you can take which will get you your diploma. Elective courses, well, all I can think of are things like Foods, Business Management, Shop, etc. As far as Arts and Music goes, EVERYTHING is being cut. In my old school however, sports teams earned their own money for travel and expenses. My old school also had a budget for the musical programs and anything above that budget was fundraised for. There are schools here that focus less on academics and more on Art. That's just Alberta however, high school education differs A LOT from province to province.