Originally Posted by guthmund
But what if he didn't really mean it? Are the words salvation to the psyche or is it the intent behind it?
Excellent point. I don't think anyone here is advocating that one should just spout off words without actions/feelings behind them... at least, I certainly hope not. But I do think that words compliment and enhance action and feelings, especially for some people (like me). To me, actions can become "habitual" and emotionally lazy in their own way (not always, though)... but that's my perspective. Sometimes words really do just mean more to certain individuals. Do we need to disagree about what's more important? There's no accounting for taste.
But I think we can all agree that each person should not only do what comes naturally to them (action or words), but they should do what their relationship needs to thrive and be in the best health possible. Unless the two people are very much alike, each should do what may in fact be very difficult for that person (again, action or words). Love does not mean doing that which comes naturally... hence the whole sacrifice thing, as hambone said:
Originally Posted by hambone
Therefore, learn what shows your partner you love them, and do that. Love shouldn't be all about you.