Originally Posted by liquidlight
What I'm really wondering is what the hell happened to EQUAL rights?!
That is what this leg. is trying to obtain. Poltically, a voice must be made for those in the margins of societal norms. That is what this leg. is intending to do. Having a spouse that works for MS, I am disappointed the MS corp. decided to withdrawl support this year on this bill, being a massive employer, they do have clout in the political system.
Originally Posted by liquidlight
I understand that the world isn't perfect and that there are people that truly do discriminate against people because of their race, or gender, or sexual orientation, or hell even the way they part their damn hair, but why this confuses me is that laws of this nature only truly serve to reinforce these stereotypes and in my mind foster the very resentment and hostility that they claim to be pre-empting!
How exactly does this foster resentment and hostility in you?? It's not like anyone is asking you to be involved in it . . . you could just as easily ignore it and look the other way . . .
Originally Posted by liquidlight
To be honest for quite some time I've been bitter about the state of "gay and lesbian rights" in the modern world. Why is it that I'm required to be sensitive about offending them with my mannerism, my speech, and my public behavior but at the same time it's not only acceptable but expected that they should be allowed to completely disregard any of my feelings or beliefs? If I hosted a "hetero-pride" parade they would throw my ass in jail, but a gay-pride parade involving behaviors that would get anyone else thrown in jail for indecency, i.e. the ones exposing themselves, is commonplace!
Um . . . you would get thrown in jail for having a "hetro. pride" rally? I think not. What makes you think this?
Originally Posted by liquidlight
So where is the equality that we're supposedly fostering with these new laws? Would you support a legislation like this and why or why not?
Yes, i would support it. Because it is making the playing field even . . . we're not all "equal" in the eyes of society or the political system whether or not you would like to believe that. I am assuming you are in the majority culture, and with that perspective, you think everything is equal . . . but do you get turned down for apartments because of your partner? Do you get denied access to things based on your sexuality? These are things that happen every day to individuals who are not in the majority, and i'm not just talking sexuality . . . i'm saying any minority, cultural or otherwise. And we need legislation to MAKE things equal.
Originally Posted by liquidlight
I hope I'm not coming across as a complete bigot, I have 2 gay men as roommates and above anything else they're people, we watch movies, have a beer, hang out, and I could care less who they prefer to sleep with, so why must these fanatics create a larger issue on a subject that has been resolving itself over the last several decades? Stop trying to grant the minority groups special privleges and alot EVERYONE the same EQUAL rights. If they want to get married, let them it's none of my damn business. If they want a job, wonderful, that's more than I can say for a lot of the people living off welfare right now. We're all human, when will the day come that we stop qualifying people based on separatist criteria and treat each as humans?
I see partially where you are coming from here . . . but we're not all equal and to get there . . . as you noted where everyone thinks it's none of their damn business, we need legislation.