I'm not a woman, but here goes
I think the presence of the police was a move to transfer the responsibility of the girl from the school to someone else. That call was completely appropriate. They called the mother first, who couldn't come for over an hour. They called the police next (what they told the mother they would do -- more pressure on the mom to take responsibility). It was an awkward move, but there was little alternative for a violent kid acting out.
I think the handcuffs were over the top, unless the police thought the girl might hurt herself or others. Once the police take control, though, they are there to do the job efficiently and decisively. Being 5 years old isn't the point -- the uncontrollable behavior is the point. It's frustrating to watch a 5 year old act that way, but the presence of the video provides clear evidence of the need to control the girl's behavior.
less I say, smarter I am