I think that if it is said too quickly in the relationship it can cheapen the sentiment. It has always taken me a while to get there, and I'm wary of people who don't seem to give it time to be natural. Once I get there, though, I am perfectly comfortable with it as a sign of endearment and gentle reminders to her that she is special to me throughout the day.
To me it translated out as "I am rushed at work, but as I hang up the phone you know that you're in my world and not forgotten" as oppossed to "I love you, do you believe me yet??" I couldn't tell you how it was ever interpreted on the other side, I don't believe I would want to know...
Strangely, she and I were never thought of as the overly romantic couple by our friends, probably because we were together a number of years and it always a natural thing to say - not forced. Hard to explain...
Oft expectation fails...
and most oft there Where most it promises
- Shakespeare, W.
Last edited by chickentribs; 04-26-2005 at 11:50 PM..