I express emotions when they come to me.
Love is expressed just as well through actions, but Siege has already captured the spirit, so, I won't be repeating it.
Once you decide to force the emotion...well what's the point? You're not being true to your feelings or to yourself and that's insulting...to everyone. It's just once you start spouting off "I love you"s a dozen times a day, even if it is just to make the other feel better, it cheapens the sentiment. To routinely fire off "I love you"s simply because it's....routine would reduce the act of, what should be heartfelt sentiment, to the level of the everyday mundane like...lacing up your shoes or doing up the buttons on your shirt.
It's not like I just stop loving someone at random intervals throughout the day. Those I love, they know I love them. I show it with my actions and such everyday. When I am overcome with love and feel the need to express it verbally, which, I'll admit, isn't all that often, there's no doubt I tell them. I don't need constant validation from others to assure me of their love. I guess, I don't expect them to either.
No signature. None. Seriously.