Originally Posted by CMH
This country is so pathetic. I mean, it's a five year old kid and they have to evacuate the classroom and call the cops. She should have been drug out of the classroom and spanked.
Unfortunately, if any adult were to lay a hand on a child besides his/her parents, they could be sued/arrested/etc. This is because of true menaces to society, like child molestors and abusers.
Police officers instill fear in children, since they know Mommy and Daddy are under police officers' power (getting a ticket, etc). My Political Science teacher was just saying today that the other day, he was eating breakfast with his family when a sheriff in full uniform say down to eat next to my prof's family. After seeing her parents being pulled over at least twice, his daughter quickly jumped into my professor's lap and would not budge.
Bringing in the big boys for something like that was justified. I'm sure it will teach her a good lesson, and she'll have a wicked tale to tell to her friends when she gets older.
"Dude, when I was five, police officers cuffed me because I was an irritating, psycho shit."