Originally Posted by shakran
people we are talking about a five year old, not a fifteen year old. Rare would be the occasion that you had just cause to cuff a five year old.
I'm not excusing her behavior, it was atrocious.
But a five year old throwing a tantrum is hardly an unusual event. Cops are not needed. Period.
I dont know about you, but I haven't seen any 5 y/o anywhere throwing a 'tantrum' like that. I know the cops weren't 'needed' but this roots into obvious lack of discipline and i think it taught her a lesson. I'm sure the cuffs were used to keep her from hurting herself. Some of you are thinking that just because she's 5 that the cuffs were excessive force or something of the sort, but all it did was keep her arms and fists from flying..she couldn't throw objects with her hands cuffed, which is better for everyone-- hands down.