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Old 04-26-2005, 04:26 PM   #122 (permalink)
Originally Posted by kutulu
You are right, 'responsibility' is shared, that's why I'm not condoning men acting like pieces of shit and abandoning their kids.
Nor am I, but I am able to have a discussion in which I remain emotionally disconnected from the unnecessary, emotional variables. We are talking about rights and legality and multiple grey areas, where not every scenario involves your pieces of shit.

Originally Posted by kutulu
Because I can't remember what you've posted on other threads about it, I'm not specifcally calling you out. However, there are many people that have drawn the sexist card here that love to complain about PC trends. Ironic hardly describes it.
Indeed. I have also noticed at least one person in here whose posting is damn near the entire opposite end of the political spectrum with respect to how they normally post in Politics and other threads in general. I would say my bouts of sexist remarks are mild, few and far between. I think it would be difficult for anyone to claim a total lack of sexism. I hate political correctness, but that doesn't mean i'm an asshole, rude, disrespectful, or unfeeling with regard to women, other cultures, personal situations, or anything else being "PC" is determined to protect.

Originally Posted by kutulu
I don't know what the hell you are saying there.
Sorry, not sure how else to phrase that.

Originally Posted by kutulu
Is a man capable of breast feeding 10x per day in the first couple months and a few times a day for the next two years (the WHO recommends breast feeding up until age 2)? Have you ever read about the benefits of breast feeding and how superior it is to formula? Are you aware of the psychological benefits of breast feeding for infants?

Nobody is saying that women can't work or that men cannot provide love but for the first two years, unless the mother is a total fuck, the baby is better off with the mother. Other posters, however, are doing their best to spin it this way though.

Also, how is a woman taking care of the baby and working avoiding responisbility? Oh that's right, she IS the one taking responsibility while the man acts like a child saying 'it's not fair, it's my money and I don't want to'
1. Actually, yes, men can breastfeed if need be. It's well documented.
2. "Superior" is a bit of a lofty term. I'm curious what sort of horrible defects you're asserting bottle-feeding causes vs. the incredible edible breast? Can there really be that much of a difference in the way the child ends up in the long run? I doubt it. Just because natural milk is "best", doesn't mean that alternatives aren't "perfectly good" as well.
3. Studies conducted to relate the psychological impacts of the breast vs. the bottle do not accurately measure the relationship between the person doing the feeding and the child. Given the same attention, support, and embrace, there is no conclusive evidence that the breast is significantly, if at all, better than the bottle with regard to developemental psychology.
4. I think there are hundreds of thousands of fathers who would curse you out for saying a man is not as good at being a parent as a woman. Were I a father, I'd throw in the first obscenity. Also, i'm trying to find the figure, but I remember distinctly that infanticide (murder of a baby) is committed by the child's mother, not father, in over soemthing like 92% or 93% of the cases. And no, that does not include abortion. What does that say about the notion that mothers are better than fathers? And we're not talking about total psychos, or some small number, these are women who just couldn't take it and killed their baby.
5. I never said anyone SHOULD dodge responsibility, what I'm merely trying to say is that childbirth is a 50/50 deal, regardless. Women have numerous ways of getting out of their responsibility should they decide not to keep the child, men do not have such a choice. I hear a lot that a man is "a child" because he decides he doesn't want to be a dad, but NEVER would those same people say the same thing to a woman if she gave the child for adoption, gave it to the father and ran off, or aborted it.

"Adoption"? She's being responsible since she knows she can't handle it. "Give it to the dad"? She's making sure the baby is taken care of since she can't. "Abortion"? She's not ready, it was an accident, etc.

A man says, "I'm no dad" and it's "You stupid sophomoric fuck, you fucking child, you are leaving that poor woman alone to take care of that baby?? You insensitive prick, you bastard! I hope you burn in hell for abandoning that child and shirking your responsibilities!!" **note: I am not speaking from personal experience. This is not a personal issue for me. Just so you know.

THAT is where the inequality starts, and it permeates all areas of the topic.

Originally Posted by kutulu
100+ posts and I haven't seen one reply from those who support deadbeat dads that doesn't boil down to 'it's not fair that she can choose an abortion and I don't have an out' Is it fair for the child to have a mother that cannot give it all it needs because daddy was a piece of shit?

Again, how would allowing men to skirt their responsibility make society better?
I support equality, not "deadbeat dads". No one calls a woman a "deadbeat mom" if she leaves a child with the father. Just because one happens less than the other doesn't mean it's not just as bad when it does happen.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Men and women do not have equal roles in child birth, from this they do not have equal rights or responsibilities.
If we were completely, equally, 50/50 responsible for a car crash we had, and you had an extra car because you're rich and were virtually unaffected by the event, but I had to walk 4 miles to work for 9 months while I made enough money to buy another car, you are not more at fault or more responsible for the accident simply because I endured hardships afterward that you did not.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous
In answer to your direct questions - no, I do not believe the relationship between a father and child is of the same worth as a relationship between a mother and a child.
I'm curious how you could possibly think that. But not in this thread.

Also, in regards to your "sexism doesn't exist from females to males in a patriarchal society" bit, does that also mean that racism doesn't exist from a minority race to a majority race in a specific geographic area? If you were in China and went around calling the people whatever racial slurs there are for them, you would be a racist. If you went to a gay club and went around doing the same, you'd be a bigot. Hire only handicapped people, and you are still discriminating. Sexism very much exists regardless of the "society" it's living in, and regardless of who it's "from" and "to".
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