Our local radio market sucks. The only things I listen to are NPR, the local jazz station and occasionally the local college station. We have 2 Christian broadcasts (good for a chuckle), an all-mariachi-all-the-time station, countless sucky R&B channels, and a bunch of top 40/easy listening crap. And they're always yelling! The commercials are yelling, the DJs are yelling, drives me nuts. I don't listen to commercial radio any more unless something boring is on NPR, like Garrison Keillor (I grew up in MN, save the nostalgia for someone who cares) or Back Porch Music (which is occasionally good if I'm in the right mood).
I have a vague memory of hearing about a couple of commercial stations in southern California who were seriously cutting back on commercial time and were setting guidelines for those commercials to improve the quality and lessen the annoyance factor. I'll see if I can find something on it online.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France