I identify with a lot of what you guys are saying. Recently I find myself crying so hard at night that it "stains" my face (red blotches, puffy eyes) even to the next morning, and I have to try and hide it when I go to work. It comes from the kind of pain that just makes me unable to stand or even sit up, it hits me so hard. This happened last night, in conjunction with my being in a long-distance relationship, and the loss of my grandmother. Seems to happen once a week or ever other week. Also find that I don't cry hard when I fall asleep, but sometimes the tears just can't stop leaking... they are a constant trickle, until my mind shuts down enough that I can sleep. That happened on Sunday night.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran