Oh. Jesus. My arm is ejecting freckles.
Here's an outline of what's doin':
1) Freckle bulges
2) Bulge recedes
3) Becomes callous like and comes off in layers
4) Leaves divet
5a) (very quickly) Divet scabs over
5b) Another freckle starts (On third freckle now)
6) Scab fades leaving scar like tissue
7) Skin appearance normalizes
Seriously, what the christ? Does anybody have any idea what is up with this? The process becomes noticable six days before it's done. The freckles are the only ones I've got which exceed 1 cm in any dimension, there is one remaining large freckle unaffected. Anybody got any information, I was unable to find anything specific to this on the Yahoo or the Google.
Last edited by Xell101; 04-27-2005 at 12:27 PM..