Originally Posted by alansmithee
I accept it because there's no other option. If there was a viable option to the Republican/conservative side, I would select it. It has nothing to do with being afraid or uninterested in positive change. Neither party is interested in positive change. Don't think that Dems don't pull this kind of power play. As I said, this is a non-issue, the only reason it appeared here was in another tired attempt to show how supposedly bad the Bush admin is.
I assume you have instances. You have attacked others in this thread for making statements that seem reasonable (that the first choice of technology companies may be the most qualified). You have made the statement that democrates pull off this kind of power play.
If you don't have such citations
before you made the statement, you are "spouting a baseless opinion", to quote alansmithee.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
What damage? There were some people switched on a largely inconcequencial conference.
Was it inconcequencial? I assume you researched the impact of the confrence on economic and technological growth before you made your statement.
Feel free to live up to the standard you place on others.
If anyone was as asinine as to push the party line into a technical confrence, I don't care which side, I would think they where small-minded fools who should be made fun of and punished for their actions.
If you fail to punish people for doing stupid shit, there is no incentive for them not to do stupid shit.
This is the reason why capitalism works: it punishes people who do stupid shit. This is how democracy works: it punishes people who do stupid shit.
If you want to get foolish stuff like this out of politics, then you have to object to it. You are either with people who think this shit is stupid, or you are against them, to borrow another quote.