Originally Posted by RallyEX
Think of it as division.. Signal = 100%... With a 3 way splitter, each outlet gets ~33%.
Rather than a three way splitter, I'd suggest purchasing another 2way splitter and daisy chaining it from the single outlet that your television is currently plugged into. Your cable modem will receive 50% total signal, and the two television outlets will receive 25%
electricity doesn't really work like that. in either case (3-way splitter or 2 2-way splitters) all three end points get the same level of signal. the reason splitting the cable degrades the signal is because of the interference and loss introduced into the signal by the splitter itself. using a 3-way splitter would result in one split in front of each endpoint, and they all would experience about the same signal degradation. using 2 2-way splitters would result in one split in front of the cable modem (same as above), but now two splits in front of the other two endpoints. the net effect would be zero on the cable modem, but roughly twice as much interference on the other two.
whether you'd notice a difference in either case is doubtful, but i'd recommend a single 3-way splitter.