Why is everyone so intent of baraging my senses? I already need to see you from 50 feet away with that loud-ass pink metro shirt you got on, and hear you from 50 feet away with you loud inane dribble about your favorite jean designer, now I have to smell you from 50 feet away with your newest expensive scented water. Hendonism! Jesus, whatever you wear (a scent or clothes), be tasteful and classy about it. Like one above poster said, let the person be very close before they can actually smell that you are wearing something, it's sexier that way, and a nice surprise, rather than some huge smelly desprate cry for attention. Be yourself and smell like yourself, but if you wanna add a kick to entice some fine ladides; make it the kick that drives them crazy when you've got them already pressed to your chest, not the kick that sends your musky ass out of their interest completely.
Here are some phrases I'd like to be able to say, in all honesty, before I die.
"That's it, send out the ninjas!"
"So then I had to kill my way to the second floor."