Thank you chaps. This is of course a photo trace, so there is a certain amount of 'eyedropper tool' going on for colouring. But also alot of adjustment required for bits where the pixels don't allow you to see the exact texture etc. Couldn't get the speaker to look right so went for the old fashioned speaker mesh insted. That bit is a 'Swatch'.
Here's the original photo link: (after a google image search)
and here's the outline for gallopingwanker. I know you're an 'Illy' man yerself so your feedback is gooood to hear, good or bad!

1. One's name as written by oneself.
2. The act of signing one's name.
3. A distinctive mark, characteristic, or sound indicating identity.
Last edited by dobster; 04-26-2005 at 10:13 AM..