Originally Posted by Matadon
Your department head doesn't sound very intelligent, at least not from my experience. I could see deciding on JSP over PHP, but nobody with field experience picks a Microsoft solution when they have any alternatives.
My department head has no control over the situation. He's at the mercy of the campus's larger web division, which has decreed that all web applications from this point out be through ASP.NET.
It makes sense to me- the main web department REALLY knows their stuff. They can't have the 100's of other school departments going off and running 50 different languages and such. They need a way to manage the school's network, and it makes sense to conglomorate things. They could have just as easilly gone PHP, just that the main admin is gung ho about ASP.NET.
It's silly though... my department head is getting really pissed at the main web admins. He thinks that the way they do things is silly and only seeks to slow him down. I disagree however- I'm glad that there is a team of people with their stuff in order taking care of the main system. We should be concerned with coding, not administering- and that's exactly the way things are setup. I think my boss just wants control though... but what he doesn't understand is that he doesn't NEED it. (And what he most definatly doesn't understand is that he doesn't WANT it... that's a bite much bigger than he can chew at this point.)