Originally Posted by AngelicVampire
So Matadon if your girlfriend (whom you are sleeping with) told you that she wanted no kids (and you are not after kids now), however she gets pregnant (changed her mind without telling you), you cannot support the child + survive yourself and have no interest in the child. Essentially you are happy with a woman playing you to get money?
If the woman wants to carry the baby to term, and the father wants no part of it BEFORE BIRTH, then I think that it should be the woman's responsibility, should she choose to give birth. AFTER BIRTH is a completely different animal, of course, but until that fetus can exist separate from its mother, it is not a lifeform. Basically, up until birth, either party can opt out, with the mother having the ultimate veto (e.g., no father can force a woman to give birth), but after that, they're both in the ballgame together.
Does this help clarify my viewpoint?