Originally Posted by jorgelito
I am particularly interested to hear what Mr.Mephisto, zen_tom, Manx, sob, Willravel, Roachboy, daswig, seaver, Mojo_PeiPei, and Rekna have to say.
Sorry if I did not mention anyone's name, these are just the ones I can recall off the top of my head that I thought would bring a diverse round of opinion on the subject. But of course all are welcome.
Thanks guys.
Honered to be mentioned.
In response to #1: I find it...difficut to take the spread of freedom and the stopping of tyrany at face value. I'm really anxious to get over the Afghanistan and Iraq to see the most mainstream places that have been rebuilt to end tyrany and plant the seed of freedom. So far the news that is coming out of both places is not convincing. Afghanistan is not doing well at all, and Iraq is still suffering an insurgency and occupation. Certianally time will tell if these are succesful, but we can monitor the progress and make predictions. Have you ever heard the phrase "hope for the best, prepare for the worst"? This is my outlook on freedom and ending tyrany. I hope with all my being that true freedom can find it's way to everyone who is being opressed, but I realize that this isn't a gum-drop, candy land and this will not be easy. We will hit bumps in the road and have setbacks. I hope that the President's speeech wasn't more bull, but I would prepare for the worst.
In response to #2: A new world order with America at the head is a frightening nightmare. Looking at it from a scientific standpoint, it is certianally possible. There is money and organization that can be gathered and put together that will be able to save billions of lives. Looking at it from a socio-political standpoint, it's almost impossible. There are simply too many special interestes that keep popping up and ruining real growth and progress. The new world order would be just as suceptible if not more so than any government now. All tyhe governments now, even the one's who are the best of allies, are still spying on each other and making the world a big chess game where yoiu are trying to win in the end. We aren't ready for a true global collective. Actually, I'd prefer to see the opposite. I want to move away from globalization and massive organization to a system of smaller communities working within a city. I'd like to see neighborhoods being self sufficient in food, labor, and other services necessary to life. I'd like to see corporations be broken down to more simple shops and offices. If I had my dream, we would be living in a world of maybe 100 million people and we would be hunter-gatherers who were in wonderful health (hunter gatherer = less diseease, think about it). As much as I want to believe that peace between nations as they are now can lead to the fabled 'world peace', it is seeming less and less likely. I think there is an interesting layout of a society of this kind in 'the Neanderthal Paralax' written by Robert J. Sawyer (it's a sci fi trilogy).