Originally Posted by willravel
I'm a dude, so you can change the 'he/she's to 'he's. Also, "Stop it" isn't a plea, it's a demand.
I was not dismissive but adversarial (taking an opposite position) because that is the nature of discussion like this one. You snapped at me, so I suggested a break from this thread.
Hey, dude....
No, you are being dismissive. Honestly, this really isn't about me. I'm voicing my objection to your tone of superiority.
Being adversarial = "I disagree, what about this: ________"
Being dismissive = "I don't care what you think, your opinion is not valid" or, to use your terminology (paraphrasing) "you are not open minded enough to accept the truth."
Anyway, if nobody else minds your tone, so be it. I will leave it as my pet peeve and continue to roll my eyes whenever you do it.
FYI, you may or may not find this interesting: an NITC powerpoint from earlier this month explaining in detail (well, all the detail powerpoint will permit) how and why WTC1 and WTC2 fell.
Sadly, they seem to be delaying their report on WTC7 for now. Read into that what you will (I read limited staff and greater priority being put on the twin towers)
*EDIT* Ooh, a better one:
*EDIT* I stand corrected: here is the powerpoint on WTC7:
Hey will, feel free to self-righteously proclaim the irrelevance of these questions, but I am curious:
how old are you?
what do you do/where do you go to school?
what level of education have you achieved?
if you have a college degree, what was your major?
if you have a post-graduate degree, what is it in?
Feel free to be vague on details if you want. I am not trying to learn your identity.