Of course it isn't. Bush is making political viewpoints with the President an a priori requirement for a job. Just as it is wrong to deny someone a job because they are black or a woman or like the Cardinals for G-d knows why, it is absolutely against everything America stands for to fire people because they supported a different political candidate.
And the Bushies CANNOT play the "well, these guys have to represent our views accurately" card. That standard means that anyone in the federal government who doesn't support the President's reelection campaign can be penalized for that. Furthermore, it isn't as if the topics discussed at this conference were what I'd call partisan:
Recommendation for 400 MHz bands
RLAN in the 5 GHz band
Recommendation on harmonized frequencies for property protection
Revision to Recommendation PCC.II/REC. 67 (XIX-01) on Low Power Radiocommunication devices,
Radio frequency identification devices (RFID)
Broadband Power Line Communications (BPL)
Refarming of 700 MHz band
Answer to Market questionnaire on IMT 2000 and systems beyond
Results of the video conference on wireless broadband
Something tells me there's no Republican vs. Democrat position on those.
Yet another abuse of power from the Bushies.